Green Home Resources

A green home is ready for the challenges of climate change; a haven during heat waves and smoke-filled fire season; powered by renewable energy; conserves water; does not pollute or emit greenhouse gasses; sequesters carbon in the soil; makes the most of reused, recycled, and composted materials; supports the health of humans and the ecosystem; is a beautiful place to live that aligns with your values. Check out our favorite resources to help you green your home.

The Switch is On website is a great starting place to learn about home electrification, including facts, costs, resources, and rebates.

ReWiring America’s free guide to replacing fossil-fueled appliances with modern electric ones contains options, questions to ask contractors, suggestions, and links.

Redwood Energy’s Pocket Guide to All-Electric Retrofits of Single Family Homes has it all: costs, case studies, and electrification retrofit strategies.

Healthy Building Network’s Home Free Reports can steer you to the least toxic building materials, from flooring to paint to insulation. 

Ava Community Energy’s residential energy programs include rebates for batteries and heat pumps and an induction cooktops lending program.

To dramatically reduce water use, check out Greywater Action's FAQs, system examples, and resources on greywater and rainwater catchment.

QuitCarbon gives free planning and live advice to help get fossil fuels out of your home. They can recommend installers and review bids, too!

Test drive induction cooking. In Alameda County, you can borrow a portable induction cooktop for free. PG&E territory also has an induction cooktop loaner program.